Louvre Valley, Paris

No one can grow without the help of another person, you are where you are today because some other persons may have been instrumental to your growth by preparing the ground for you either knowingly or unknowingly . Helping others is a natural way to share God’s love.

I like one thing about a particular tribe , “The Igbos” they so understand the rules of climbing or rising . They are well-known for their enterprising, independent and adventurous nature and trading is their way of life.

A boss who has already served someone,picks a member of his clan, who in turn will serve him for a period of time before he finally sets that person up (settle) by giving him a substantial amount of money to stand on his own, or bequeath that person with an already existing business of his to carry on with without being accountable to him again.

So many people because they are plague with insecurities and jealousy cannot help facilitate the growth of others, they feel the other person may become bigger than them or even heady. The World evolves and its like a chain, someone is linked to you, you are linked to someone else, It goes on and on.

The sky is wide enough for the birds to fly without collision(Nigerian Proverb).

That woman displaying the same wares as you is in no competion with you, she just want to have her daily bread.

That colleague you feel threatened by is in no competition with you, but just want to earn a living and may even have a bigger plan .

That tailor whose shop is beside yours is in no competition with you, he is just looking for what to eat.

That intelligent teacher you want to outshine is not in competition with you , but just want to impact lives.

That sister that has good dress sense is not in competion with you, she just loves to look good.

The truth is no man is an island, we need each other to grow, someone must be ahead and should you be ahead of others, don’t look down on them and don’t fold the ladder after you,only you cannot be up,you can’t even survive there alone .It was not designed that way, there is enough space up there!

“You are not successful until your successor succeeds” and “Success without a successor is failure”.

You are a Powerhouse, you have the ability to enable,Produce, empower and enrich others, a leader who produces other leader multiplies their influences.

Open your mind, identify talents,be helpful ,supportive, groom and nurture others to grow . Do it selflessly, that is your service to humanity.

Improve on this person’s existing strengths in a bid to help facilitate their growth, mind you growth is not spontaneous, it is gradual.

How long are you willing to invest in that person?don’t be critical or judgemental, investing in someone could be in form of Financing, time, energy, efforts, counseling, encouragement.

Consolidate on the person’s strength!

Who are you helping to grow?

Grow, do not Mow!!!

Do not attempt to cut others down.

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