By Ajala Abiodun

Time management is one of the best skills that every executive, managers, leaders and professionals must mastered in other to get much done with less or minimal resources in the corporate world.

Time management is the ability to manage our thinking with the wall clock. 

Productivity is the total sum of all activities and efforts we put into our work daily. The meeting we had in the boardroom, the plans we execute and all frontline work that has to do with client relationship. 

To be productive is to achieve business goals and or objective for thebenefits for all.

stakeholders. Being productive at work means that every employeeand management were all happy about the outcome of initial plans after benchmarking it with report on ground. 

Time is one of the valuable assets both in our professional and personal life. A Time wasted they said is a destiny wasted. Hence, the need for every professional to be mindful with what they do with their time. 

5 Effective Strategies for Time Management and Productivity are as follows.

1. Priorities high priority task. As a manager you should write down task that are of high, low and or medium priority. This would enable you to work on what matters.

2. Focus on result and not activities. It is good to plan.  But we should not spend too much time in our imagination. After planning, we should do careful analysis and implementation should follow.

3. Work with S.M.A.R.T Techniques. The acronym which means that we should make our plan to be Simple. Measurable. Attainable. Results oriented. Time frame. This can be applied to Time management for better productivity. 

4. Delegation. As a manager we should mastered the art of delegating task to our employees. This would relieve us from being overwhelmed with work. And ease burden. 

5. Take courses and or seminar on Time management. Successful executives are those who learn continuously and stay up to date with trends in their field. A good time manager takes online courses, attend seminar, participate in webinar and hire personal or business coach for mentorship. To do a better job and be productive in their workplace.

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